Presentation: "HTML5: Why, what, who, when, how?"

Track: HTML5, JavaScript and the Future of the Web / Time: Friday 14:05 - 15:05 / Location: Room 204/205

There's a lot of hype and – frankly – a lot of BS about HTML5. This talk shows you why we need HTML5, how it was made, what it really is, who made it and who should care and when you can use it.

Bruce Lawson, Evangelist at Opera and Co-Author of "Introducing HTML5"

Bruce Lawson

Biography: Bruce Lawson

 Bruce Lawson evangelises Open Web Standards for Opera. He's been active in Web Standards since 2002, working with the Web Standards Project, the W3C Mobile Best Practices Working Group and developer education.

He co–authored Introducing HTML5, the first full–length book on the subject. He blogs at You can follow him at @brucel.